Meta unveils host of new AI-driven features across WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram

Meta continues to incorporate suite of AI powered features across its multiple platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram. Meta officially announced full-fledged foray into AI during Meta Connect 2023 event with the launch of ‘Meta AI’. Founded in 2013 under unit name Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) which eventually changed to Meta AI prompted by the change in the company name from Facebook to Meta. Since 2018 Meta AI is led by renowned NYU Computer Science and Neural Science professor Yann Lecun who has had several years of AI development. Lecun started AI research at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1988. Meta AI started AI research with self-supervised learning (SSL) which allows AI to learn rapidly without human labelled images and other data. 

Meta AI is the artificial intelligence laboratory of Meta Platforms, Inc. under which various AI models have been developed including Llama2, recently launched Llama3 and Emu. Meta AI Assistant is an AI-powered assistant primed for integration within Meta’s suite of apps, notably WhatsApp. Meta AI is also working on improving product and user experience with the help of artificial intelligence developed models and integrating it with augmented and virtual reality products. The models developed with these researches are made public with open source Llama2 and Llama3 to advance AI development.

Image and Sticker Generation with Meta AI

Following the footsteps of Open AI and Microsoft, Meta launched its own image generation tool “Imagine with Meta AI” to create realistic images with text prompts. Though Microsoft Designer and DallE3 doesn’t have features to Restyle the existing images, in Meta AI image generation you have an option to edit the existing images or restyle the existing image.

You can access Meta image generation tool with .

Meta AI Assistant

Meta has integrated the AI Assistant into host of its product range starting with WhatsApp. Meta AI is an artificial intelligence assistant who can interact with you just like any other any other person giving you information on the topic of your interest. Meta AI can help you design/ plan your trip, help you prepare the food of your choice or gain insight into new knowledge. Meta has launched Meta AI currently only in US market with no immediate plans for other countries.

You can engage with Meta AI with following steps:

  1.  After opening WhatsApp, you can see Meta AI icon at the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap it to open Meta AI inbox.
  3. You can request any information/ recommendation or even generate image of your choice by just prompting the inbox with the right input.

With the experience derived from the developed of open source powerful Llama2 Large Language Model (LLM), Meta AI Assistant already has wealth of information to interact and answer as per the prompt input and user requirements. To facilitate real time information just like Google Gemini, Meta partnered with Bing to integrate real time text-based conversation. Meta has also released 28 other AI Assistants by partnering with notable personalities from sports, culture, Art and internet culture like Dwyane Johnson, Kendell Jenner, Snoop Dog assigning different roles to each personality. With more celebrities and famous personalities slated to onboard, users are poised to engage in more enriching and comprehensive experience across WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and other Meta platforms in future.

Meta already using AI models to internally scan various offensive contents, personalizing various feeds as per user interests. Ultimately Meta AI is working towards Llama3 and evolving into Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Once AGI becomes fully developed, machines will be able to think and complete different tasks like humans. Not only Meta but also Google Deepmind and Open AI ChatGPT are working towards AGI.

Thanks !

Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !